Last night while having a Bible study with Teresa and friends we talked about the account (in Matthew) when Peter is called out by Jesus to walk on the water. God has been speaking this very story to me in relation to stepping out in faith and trusting Him and while we discussed the passage I realize how easy it is sometimes to think we would step out… even in the storm… but what we think and what actually do are sometimes very different.
I am preparing to go back to Australia. I feel like God has been leading me there and preparing me for the majority of this year. I have been accepted and for me this has been a huge step of faith and will be once I’m there.
I keep thinking back to that scene in Braveheart when William Wallace is challenging the men on the battle field. He says when you are old and dying in your beds, you will look back on this day and want to give everyday from then till now (on the battlefield) for one chance… just one chance to come back and fight for freedom (paraphrase).
I feel the same way with being part of God’s plans in Perth. I don’t want to miss out on what He has and I definitely don’t want to look back in my later days and wish I would have trusted God went to Australia.
Anyways, the best part of the story of Peter and Jesus walking on the water is Jesus was there and He reached out and grabbed Peter when he began to sink. Jesus in faithful and I'm not afraid.